Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Council is responsible for ensuring that our community of around 400 residents and those from more remote surrounding areas have access to essential services.
This includes adequate healthcare and support services for local families, banking and postal services, and spaces where our remote population can take advantage of digital technology to stay in touch with community issues.
Primary healthcare
The Wujal Wujal Health Centre provides primary healthcare and clinical care, telehealth, dental and emergency services to the people of Wujal Wujal and visitors from other communities. The clinic employs four registered nurses and a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers. There are weekly doctor and specialist visits Tuesday and Thursday from 10.30am to 4pm. You can find out more about services and opening times on the Health Centre’s website and visit
Community care and specialist outreach programmes
We are also served by a number of health service partnerships that provide regular visiting medical, community and allied health services. These include diabetes educators, podiatrists, paediatricians, hearing health, mental health, maternal and child health, eye specialists, and ear nose and throat specialists. Alcohol and Drug and Sexual Health teams visit our region regularly as needed. We also have access to services provided by the Apunipima Cape York Health Council's Chronic Disease Team from Cooktown, including a Women's Health Service, Sexual Health Service, and the Cape York Mental and Alcohol and Drugs Health Service.
Healthy animals in the community
The Council is committed to helping people look after their animals to improve pet wellbeing and minimise disease that can also spread to humans. Find out more on our Animal management page.
Post and Banking services
Our post office is located in the centre of town at the RTC Building on Hartwig Street. It provides combined postal and banking services
Trading hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 1:45pm
Morning Tea 10:00am-10:30am. Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm
Friday: 8.30am to 11:30am
Morning Tea 10:00am-10:30am
Phone: (07) 4083 9115
Residents can also use online banking at the Technology Centre in the Indigenous Knowledge Centre.
Community connections
Community Hall
Our local Community Hall is available for hire by individuals or community groups. It is large enough to be used for meetings, conferences, workshops and training sessions. Equipment such as whiteboard, laptops, overhead projector, screen, TV and video recorder can be arranged. Catering may be available through the Bana Yirriji Café. (Currently Closed)
The Council also has two training rooms available for public hire.
To find out more, including current half-day and day rates, please contact the Council.
Community radio service
Our community can stay in touch with local news and events via our Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS). RIBS is one of the most important communication tools for isolated remote indigenous communities. Wujal Wujal RIBS provides up-to-date weather, tide and flood warning information, crucial to the inhabitants and visitors to our communities – some in isolated remote areas. The radio station also gives airtime to works by our own local indigenous bands, and develops radio programmes with our community, providing a valuable outlet for our voices and stories.
Address: Hartwig Street Wujal Wujal, QLD, 4895
Phone: (07) 4060 8149
Community noticeboard forum (Currently Disabled)
Wujal Wujal residents can also connect with the Council and community using our online Noticeboard. Register and log in to leave feedback and suggestions for community improvements and services.
Image credit: Darren Clark